Your resume header is the very first thing an employer will see. Not only does it need to contain the correct information, but it needs to stand out as well! In this guide, we will teach you how to write the ideal header for your resume.
A resume header is a short section that includes an applicant’s relevant personal information.
The header of a resume is the first section you should include on a resume.
There are 3 main purposes a resume header serves:
Though your header will be short and simple, paying attention to details still matters.
By the end of this guide, you will know how to craft an effective resume header to land your dream job.
We will cover everything from what information to include to how to format it.
When deciding how to write your resume header, it is important to take style and design into consideration.
To choose which style best fits your needs, you must consider how much space you have on your resume.
You should also consider the purpose of your resume, such as what level of experience you are trying to portray.
The 3 main types of resume header styles include:
In headers of any style, it is crucial to not let your contact information get lost.
Ideally, your contact information should fall directly below or closely adjacent to your name.
If it is not close to your name, it should be clearly labeled.
The goal is to make your contact information as simple to find as possible.
If an employer can’t easily find your email or phone number, your resume may be thrown out.
There are two main locations to list your contact information:
Placing contact information into a sidebar can be helpful when using up header space for a title or summary.
However, we generally advise keeping the contact information within the header when possible.
A sidebar can also be useful as a place to list additional or non-essential contact information.
This may include a link to an online portfolio, a website, LinkedIn, or other social media.
Don’t list your contact information incorrectly and end up missing out on big opportunities!
Follow our guide on How to List Contact Information on Your Resume!
Once you have decided on a header style, it is time to sort out what information to include.
There are 4 essential pieces of information to include in a resume header:
There are, of course, other pieces of information you can use to bulk out your header a little more.
Just be sure to not crowd the header with too much information.
Additional pieces of information to include in a header or personal information section include:
Let’s discuss the location portion of your contact information for a moment.
Resume professionals are often at odds over whether or not to include an address on your resume.
In the past, a full mailing address was required as a means of contact.
Nowadays, phones and email have made the use of snail mail increasingly sparse.
In general, you can omit a full mailing address from a resume.
However, you may still want to include a certain amount of location-related information.
Here are 3 key factors that come into play for employers looking at locations on a resume:
Still not sure whether or not to include information about your location? Check out our article Should I Put My Address On My Resume for more help!
When formatting your resume header, there are a few important aspects:
To best show you how to properly format a header, we will provide you with three examples of the header styles listed above.
John Doe | (123) 456-7890,
Why It’s Wrong: In this example, the contact information is listed on the same line as the name.
Although the name is bolded and enlarged to help it stand out, this creates a distraction.
The name should always be given its own line and treated like the title to the entire document.
John Doe
(123) 456-7890 |
In this corrected example, the name is the only piece of information on the first line.
This can be aligned either left, center, or right. All information within the header should use the same alignment.
John Doe, Computer Analyst
(123) 456-7890 |
Why It’s Wrong: The example is right in making the job title larger in text than the contact information.
However, the name should still be given a separate line.
Additionally, the job title should not be the same size as the name, as this is distracting.
John Doe
Computer Analyst
(123) 456-7890 |
In this corrected example, the name has once again been given its own line.
The job title falls onto the second line in a smaller font and italics.
The font is still slightly larger than the contact information and the italics help the title to stand out.
John Doe
Computer Analyst, (123) 456-7890 |
Computer Analyst with over 10 years of experience working with programming languages and software analysis.
Seeking a senior-level position, bringing with me over 10 major corporate clients.
Why It’s Wrong: In this example, the applicant has tried to fit way too much information on the second line.
In this case, either the job title needs to be removed or the contact information needs to be relocated.
John Doe
(123) 456-7890 |
Computer Analyst with over 10 years of experience working with programming languages and software analysis.
Seeking a senior-level position, bringing with me over 10 major corporate clients.
In this applicant’s summary, the first piece of information they mention is being a Computer Analyst.
This makes the use of a job title in the line before unnecessary.
Plus, it allows for the contact information to remain in the header.
Additionally, the summary has been italicized to help it stand out from the rest of the text.
This helps to create a less monotonous visual flow as well.
Need more help crafting your resume? Take a look at our guide on the 20 Best Resume Writing Tips and Tricks (with Free Checklist).
While you don’t want to go overboard, the header of your resume is where you can get a little more creative in your design elements.
Here are 5 ways to help your header stand out:
Every time you submit a resume, you should first take the time to tailor it to the job.
Jobs can differ in many ways, from different industries to varying levels of experience needed.
Here is a quick rundown of which type of header to consider using for the following use cases:
When applying to an entry-level position, your header should include your name and contact information.
It may also be useful to include a LinkedIn, website, or online portfolio.
This will help especially if you are lacking in work experience.
For entry-level jobs, a job title and summary are generally unnecessary.
You won’t have the years of experience to back up either of these more than likely.
However, it may be useful to include an objective statement that explains your desired position and some of your skills and proficiencies.
When applying to mid to senior-level positions, using a job title and/or summary in your header is recommended.
For these higher-level positions, closer attention will be paid to the resume.
While entry-level applications will be skimmed, high-level applications will be closely compared.
In the summary, you should clearly detail your experience and qualifications.
If you have clients following you from a previous job, this is a good place to mention that as well.
Every industry is different.
Thus, every resume you submit to new industry needs to be tailored and optimized.
When applying to jobs in specific industries, the work experience section will ultimately play a larger role than the header.
However, the header is the best opportunity to introduce yourself as a professional in that field.
For professionals looking to switch careers or industries, including a summary or objective may be useful.
In it, they can describe why they are switching industries and what their future career goals look like.
Your resume header makes the first impression on employers.
By ignoring the formatting and quality of your header, you heighten the chances of missed opportunities.
Putting in the effort to tailor your header perfectly is essential.
Here are 3 key takeaways for writing your resume header:
Easy Resume offers a large collection of free-to-read resume guides. Make sure to check them all out for more examples, advice, and tips!
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